How long will it take to get my package?

Expect shipping and handling to take approximately 6-9 business days.

How do I wash my t-shirt?

Hot water can damage the fibers of your cotton garment, so it's best to use cold water when washing it. This will also help prevent shrinkage.

We recommend not using a tumble dryer as the garment is prone to shrinking and can damage the prints.

The best way to dry your cotton garment is naturally. Hang it on a hook or rope so it can dry. Of course, it is important that you avoid direct sunlight, as this can cause the colors of your garment to fade. So it is better to always look for shade.

Where do you ship to?

We ship to all Mexico.

How do the free shipping work?

Please disregard the need to pay additional fees for shipping. The total cost of your cart is precisely what you will be charged.